Anglais Cycle 3
Day 1, April 4th
- Extrait vidéo à travailler en écoute compréhension
- Scripts et éléments de langage:
Certains mots ou expressions relèvent du langage familier. Les expressions et les mots significatifs à relever sont soulignés. La compréhension reste globale et l’explicitation se fait en langue française.
Round 1 Grant Wood, American Gothic,1930 |
Script – Hi my name is Alexa. I am 7 years old. My favourite colour is blue – Tell us exactly what you see – It looks like an old man and an old lady – Maybe she is angry – You want to have more vegetables? – Is it American Gothic by Grant Wood? |
Round 2 Frida Kahlo, Self-portrait wearing a velvet dress,1926 |
Script – What do you see this time? – I see a picture of a person – I see the ocean – She has like a velvet bathrobe – Is she all alone? – On her bathrobe, I can see like Chinese signs – I think it’s Frida Kahlo Self portrait |
Round 3 Hans Holbein the younger, The ambassadors, 1533 |
Extraits du script –Tell me exactly what you see. – I can see pirates – He looks like the Captain – How many pirates are there? – There is only two |
- Extrait à visionner “pour le plaisir”